Together we develop sustainable solutions for the future

We offer opportunities to diverse individuals from various backgrounds who are capable of harnessing the power of data and next-generation technology, enabling them to work in the Swedish IT industry and build sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing world.

Providing economic opportunities for Sweden and Sri Lanka through a sustainable outsourcing project that connects the two countries and improves equity among society, resulting in job creation, improved employee well-being, sustainability, and cost reductions. The following steps are followed by IrusriGroup Pvt Ltd (Registration number: PV00257634) in order to promote connections between countries and promote social equality.

We Develop Clear Sustainability and Equality Goals

The outsourcing project has clear goals that promote sustainability and equality. This includes creating jobs that pay a living wage, and supporting local communities.

We Implement Fair Labor Practices

The outsourcing project has clear goals that promote sustainability and equality. This includes creating jobs that pay a living wage, and supporting local communities.

We Use Sustainable IT Practices

To reduce the environmental impact of the outsourcing project, we follow and contribute to sustainable IT practices, such as use of solar power generated electricity to reduce energy consumption

We Monitor and Evaluate the Project

It is important to monitor and evaluate the outsourcing project to ensure that it is achieving its sustainability and equality goals. This involves collecting data on job creation, and job satisfaction, and using this data to make improvements to the project.


We Develop Clear Sustainability and Equality Goals

The outsourcing project has clear goals that promote sustainability and equality. This includes creating jobs that pay a living wage, and supporting local communities.


We Implement Fair Labor Practices

The outsourcing project has clear goals that promote sustainability and equality. This includes creating jobs that pay a living wage, and supporting local communities.


We Use Sustainable IT Practices

To reduce the environmental impact of the outsourcing project, we follow and contribute to sustainable IT practices, such as use of solar power generated electricity to reduce energy consumption


We Monitor and Evaluate the Project

It is important to monitor and evaluate the outsourcing project to ensure that it is achieving its sustainability and equality goals. This involves collecting data on job creation, and job satisfaction, and using this data to make improvements to the project.

Business Model

We offer opportunities to diverse individuals from various backgrounds who are capable of harnessing the power of data and next-generation technology, enabling them to work in the Swedish IT industry and build sustainable solutions for a rapidly changing world.

Providing economic opportunities for Sweden and Sri Lanka through a sustainable outsourcing project that connects the two countries and improves equity among society, resulting in job creation, improved employee well-being, sustainability, and cost reductions. The following steps are followed by IrusriGroup Pvt Ltd(Registration number: PV00257634) in order to promote connections between countries and promote social equality.

We Ensure Feasibility

The process of evaluating the project and estimating costs and hours to complete the project is an important step in ensuring that the project is feasible and can be completed within the client's budget and timeframe.Providing a sprint level report to the client can help them stay updated on the progress of the project and make any necessary adjustments or changes.

We Ensure Ethical Business Practices

we will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) between IrusriGroup AB and the client  to protect the confidentiality and intellectual property rights of the client. 

We Ensure Client Satisfaction

We will have daily standups with the client to ensure that they are satisfied with the progress of the project and that all details are being taken into account. Project management, quality checking, and testing are provided free of charge to ensure the final product is of high quality and meets the client's expectations.


We Ensure Feasibility

The process of evaluating the project and estimating costs and hours to complete the project is an important step in ensuring that the project is feasible and can be completed within the client's budget and timeframe.Providing a sprint level report to the client can help them stay updated on the progress of the project and make any necessary adjustments or changes.


We Ensure Ethical Business Practices

we will sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) between IrusriGroup AB and the client  to protect the confidentiality and intellectual property rights of the client. 


We Ensure Client Satisfaction

We will have daily standups with the client to ensure that they are satisfied with the progress of the project and that all details are being taken into account. Project management, quality checking, and testing are provided free of charge to ensure the final product is of high quality and meets the client's expectations.

Overall, this business model focused on providing high-quality IT services to clients in Sweden with 20 times lower cost. The focus on ethical business practices and ensuring client satisfaction is our ultimate goal to help build strong and long-lasting partnerships with clients.

Benefits to Sweden and Sri Lanka

A sustainable IT project connecting a developed(Sweden) and developing country(Sri Lanka) can have many benefits for both. Here are some of the benefits that can be expected for each country:

Benefits to Sweden

Reduced costs

The outsourcing project can help Sweden reduce costs in developing sustainable IT products and services, as the project can be completed at a 20 times lower cost compared to Sweden.

High quality standards

The outsourcing project can ensure high quality standards for IT products and services as we do several stages of quality checking and testing throughout the development process.

Confidentiality and reliability

The outsourcing project can ensure confidentiality and reliability of the services provided by Sri Lanka, as we sign Non Disclosure Agreement(NDA) to protect intellectual rights and data privacy between IrusriGroup AB and the client.


The outsourcing project can ensure transparency in the project, as a company we support ethical and sustainable business culture as described below.

Benefits to Sri Lanka

Job Creation

The outsourcing project can create new job opportunities for skilled professionals in Sri Lanka, which can boost the country's economy and reduce unemployment.

Improved Employee Safety and Health

The outsourcing project can promote safe and healthy working conditions for employees in Sri Lanka, which can improve their well-being and productivity.

Equal Opportunities

The outsourcing project can promote equal opportunities for employees in Sri Lanka, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or background.

Gender Balance

The outsourcing project can promote gender balance in the workplace in Sri Lanka, which can increase diversity and promote equality.

Ethical Business culture and Transparency

The outsourcing project can promote an ethical business culture and transparency in Sri Lanka, which can enhance the country's reputation and attract more business partners.

Care for the Environment

The outsourcing project can promote sustainability and zero carbon emissions in Sri Lanka, which can help the country address environmental challenges.

Flexible Working Hours

The outsourcing project can provide flexible working hours for employees in Sri Lanka, which can help them balance work and personal life.

Salary and Other Benefits

The outsourcing project can provide fair salaries and other benefits for employees in Sri Lanka, which can improve their standard of living.

Workshops and Research Programs

The outsourcing project can provide opportunities for employees in Sri Lanka to participate in workshops and research programs, which can enhance their skills and knowledge.

Physical Activities

The outsourcing project can promote physical activities for employees in Sri Lanka, which can improve their health and well-being.